Why do we need this new software architecture stuff? We've managed fine until now and projects *have* been successful.
Good question. Some teams don't dwell on the subject at all, any yet have produced remarkably well designed systems that have stood the test of time. Unix (Thompson and Richie), BSD Unix (Bill Joy) and Linux (Linus Torvald), just to name a few. In the case of Linux, there wasn't an opportunity to perform Big Architecture Up Front (BAUF) as a specific activity, since it was the result of the collaboration of literally thousands of developers on the web, so the Linux architecture we see today is truly an emergent entity devoid of a master plan.
What is architecture anyway? Simon concludes:
I say that architecture is about introducing structure and guidelines to a software project, and I've come to realise just how true this is. Without formalising these good ideas, a codebase with some otherwise great ideas can appear inconsistent, with the overall system lacking coherence and clarity.
In the discussion that follows, Simon goes on to explain that the architecture is "the big picture". Although he avoids using the word "design", I interpret what he says as architecture is the highest level system software design, which with a lot of programming languages is something that is difficult to gleam from just the code. I agree. What is disturbing however is that he flirts with the idea that defining this design is some how a different activity from programming, and calls for a dedicated role with dedicated skills. So architecture and consistency is something to be imposed onto a team of developers who can only code at the detail level and require an higher thinker, the architect, to impose "structure".
I like Simon, and I think he senses the irony in this. The team can't think and can only code, so the Architect must do their thinking for them. I wonder where this mindset stems from?
We will win and you will lose. You cannot do anything because your failure is an internal disease. Your companies are based on Taylor’s principles. Worse, your heads are Taylorized too. You firmly believe that sound management means executives on the one side and workers on the other, on the one side men who think and on the other side men who only work.”Konusuke Matsushita – Panasonic
Simon can't be blamed. The values in our industry are such, that in many instances this is the only politically acceptable way to address the problem. People who are only paid to code and not think will struggle with architectural concerns and do need help. I pointed out that these same people will struggle with other aspects of programming too like listening to customers, effective collaboration and testing for example. Andrew Walker goes on to make the point quite eloquently that programming and architecting are one activity are can't easily be separated. I agree. In fact as I become better at my craft I no longer do BAUF (I once was an Architect in a past life) and I now allow my architecture to emerge as I write code.
So de-skilling the developer role by splitting out development activities like designing, communicating, listening etc into separate roles runs counter to the idea of good craftsmanship IMO. Craftsmanship is holistic. So how did we get here? Well de-skilling the workforce does allow you to pay them less and hire and fire people at will. It also puts those pesky all powerful "programmers" in their place, and may serve to provide the management with the illusion of control. There is a whole industry out there selling "Silver Bullets", and suggesting that software development can some how be automated and made simple by the latest Framework or piece of Middleware. And finally there are a bunch of ancillary industries like Business Analysts, Systems Analysts, Enterprise Architects, Solution Architects, etc, willing to do all "the thinking" at a fee, leaving the bulk of the team to only work.Henry Ford had huge success with this approach in the 1930s, drastically reducing the cost of motor car manufacture by employing cheap unskilled immigrant labour. In recent decades however, in the face of competition from companies whose workers are empowered to think for themselves this Taylorist management approach has been found wanting. To see evidence of this you only need to open your newspaper. The Big 3 US Motor Car Manufacturers have recently gone cap in hand to congress for a bail-out. Toyota, Nissan etc build and sell cars in the US too, but they aren't asking for a bail-out! These Japanese manufactures are Agile enough to adapt to the needs of the market and are riding out the current economic storm. Toyota are even recruiting in the US for a new plant in California I believe. So why are these Japanese companies prospering at the expense of Ford, GM and Chrysler? In the 1950's Japanese motor manufacturers took a look at Ford, GM etc and rejected their Taylorist approach in favor of the ideas of Edward Deming. Deming felt that "scientific management" wasn't enough because it undervalued people and ignored human psychology. Could the Japanese choice of Deming over Taylor have something to do with the value they place on people?Value and respect. I work as a Coach and I would never be as arrogant to suggest that I am the only person on the team qualified to determine the "big picture". I would like to believe that I have mastered my craft, but does that mean that I am the only person qualified to think? No this is arrogant nonsense and is exactly what Konusuke is speaking about.
Every human being can think and each of us should be encouraged to think. Our brain is our most valuable asset. The issue is that we aren't born knowing how to program well, and we all need to learn (even those of use who later become architects :)). So collaboration, architecting, coding, listening, designing are all things that must be learnt. The Japanese speak of Shu-Ha-Ri (Knowledge, understanding and skill), as the three phases of learning. A computer science degree will only provide you with some basic knowledge. To understand you will need to practice, and to gain skill will require repeated application in varying contexts. And of course you can't learn on your own. To learn effectively you need a teacher.In past times when a man wanted to learn a craft he became an apprentice, and would live and work alongside a master craftsman for several years, receiving only food and lodgings for his efforts. After years as an apprentice he was deemed qualified and would become a journeyman, allowed to charge for his labours. A journeyman would then move from workshop to workshop gaining experience as he went. The best journeyman could become master craftsman themselves, setting up their own workshop and taking on apprentices of their own. Along the way people not suited to the craft would drop out rather than waste time, ensuring that standards remain high, and people found crafts that they were suited to. So in the past the west had its own version of Shu-Ha-Ri it seems. In fact this tradition still lives on in professions, like Lawyers, Doctors, Architects (the building kind), Fashion designers etc. So it looks as though the software Industry chose an unfortunate template in the Manufacturing industries to model itself on.I can imagine that Henry Ford, must have seen traditional Coach Building Master Craftsman as an extravagant waste of money and a threat to his profits. Surely the job could be split into a number of simple unskilled roles with much of the work automated. This proved to be true (for a while) for motor car manufacture, but the same approach has failed us when applied to software. Why? because software development is not manufacture, it is not repetitive, instead it is creative. It is new product development, akin to fashion design, car design etc.
Successful software development calls for master craftsman like the names I mentioned earlier: Bill Joy, Linus Torvald etc. These masters have a responsibility to pass on their skills to apprentices whose job it is to think and learn by example at the knee of their master. The Agile community have gone back to basics and understand that developing people is the only way to pull the software industry out of habitual failure. People over process and tools.Infoq has been tracking the tour of a Journeyman as he visits various workshops in an attempt to learn from the masters. His blog posts make interesting reading. Especially the way the learning occurs: side-by-side at the keyboard whilst programming. The master and the journeyman discussing the work and lessons being learned on both sides. An age old tradition, you can imagine Michelangelo working with his apprentices and journeyman in the same way.Looking at the videos and listening to the interviews it seems such a natural way to learn, and the ideal solution for teams that are struggling with architecture or anything else. Hire the best people you can afford, and have them mentor their colleagues in a learning environment.So obvious, yet Kevin a colleague of Simon seems to have missed this possibility. The idea that programmers can be helped to think for themselves escapes him as a possible alternative to the Architect going in and doing the thinking for them.Perhaps Konusuke Matsushita is right. We do have an internal disease.