For me getting to know good OO started out with being skeptical about Bad OO and saying "I don't get it". This is why I think I understand Joe. Healthy scepticism is a good thing, especially when something blatantly just doesn't add up. I could go into a rant about why programmers find it difficult to say "I don't know" or "I just don't get this" and blindly admire the “kings new cloths” even when the king is naked, but I'll leave that for another day :)
As an example of good OO let me reproduce the Smalltalk code example from my response to a comment by Paul Homer to my last post:
3 < 4 ifTrue:[ Transcript show: ‘3 is less than 4’].
Ok lets try and express this in a more familiar OO language, Java:
if ( 3 < 4) System.out.println(“3 is less than four”);
What is bad about this? Like Paul Homer pointed out the instructions (if, <, ..) clearly take precedence over the data (3, 4, ..) in true procedural style. Also there is only one object here "System.out", which given that it is a global static object is hardly an object at all. System.out.println() is no different then ( #include <system/io>) printf(). So the whole statement is not OO, it is procedural and would look pretty much the same written in C.
But Java is supposedly an OO language, so surely I can express this as objects. Lets try:
(new Integer(3)).isLessThan(new Integer(4)).isTrue(new Block {
void execute() {
System.out.println("3 is less than four");
Ok. I've created a DSL here in Java to get rid of the primitives and procedures and express everything uniformly as objects. So what is so bad about this? Well it doesn't read half as well as the Smalltalk example. All those parenthesis and periods tend to obfuscate the intent. Secondly I would need to write my own Integer and Boolean classes, overwriting the ones in the Java standard library. Java's Integer doesn't understand the message 'isLessThan" and Java's Boolean object doesn't understand the message "isTrue". Also the use of an anonymous inner class to simulate a block seems rather verbose, but without closures what else can I do?
So writing pure OO code in Java is difficult to say the least. Does this matter? Well if you are trying to learn OO with an hybrid procedural/OO language, then I think it does. I for one (using C++) definitely found it a challenge.
What do you think?